The OCHA-managed pooled funds and our partners provide the most effective assistance for people during humanitarian crises – by strategically working together and complementing crucial efforts from multiple funding sources.
When CERF and CBPF funding is allocated to the same emergency, the Humanitarian Coordinator in that country ensures these funds are directed and used coherently.
- Working together ensures the Pooled Funds help people in need more effectivelySudan and Yemen| 2023 | CERF and CBPF “There is nothing that makes me prouder than to see a young child strongly recover from malnutrition.”
- Pooled funds work with Palestinian and international partners to save livesoPt | 2024 | CERF and CBPF “We eat less so the kids can eat at least one meal a day.”
- In DRC, pooled funding strengthens the health response to gender-based violenceDRC | 2022 and 2023 | CERF and CBPF “If we had been in our village, I would not have suffered this, and I would not have become a mother so early.”
- Delivering together: Pooled funds delivered medical supplies and psychosocial supportUkraine | 2022 | CERF “We strive to provide emotional, physical, legal protection and comfort for each survivor. Our mobile teams are premised in local communities, where the need for services is the highest.”
- After devastating earthquakes CERF and AHF respond togetherAfghanistan | 2022 | CERF “It was 1:00 AM when we felt the earthquake. It was not a simple earthquake. We felt [like] someone was bombarding the house from the sky.”