Inclusive education for children displaced by the conflict

Art activities. Photo: OCHA
Art activities. Photo: OCHA

oPt | 2024 | CBPF

Gaza, oPt. “My children didn’t have disabilities before the war. But they were severely injured by a bombing, and it has left them with problems with their vision. They haven’t been leaving the house,” explains Umm Ayham, a mother of two.

One year into the crisis, as bombardment continues from the air and land, people continue to suffer, and survive, in unimaginably difficult circumstances. 1.9 million people have fled their homes since October of last year. Children are out of school and suffering mentally and physically.

With funding from the oPt Humanitarian Fund, War Child Holland (WCH) and local organization Palestine Save the Children Foundation (PSCF) have embarked on an education project to provide quality, safe, and inclusive education for children across Gaza.

They established children’s centres that offer psychosocial support and basic assistive devices like glasses and hearing aids, helping kids have a bit of normalcy and get back to learning even under such extreme circumstances.

Activities offer some respite

Life is not normal at all, but the centers offer a respite from trauma and conflict, as well as a safe place to learn, to play, do art and other activities.

Sa’adia says, “I’m so happy to come here. Since the start of the war, we haven’t been able to relax, but at the centre I’ve been able to get involved in everything.”

Spectacles and hearing aids help children play and learn

Here, Umm Ayham’s two children were finally able to get fitted for glasses. “They can see clearly and are happier,” she said.

Young Karim was fitted for hearing aids. “Today I can hear well! I’m very happy,” he said.

For some children who had been living for years with hearing or vision difficulties, this was the first time they had accessed glasses or hearing aids. “It might seem a small thing, but it has given us new hope,” explained one mother, after her son got his hearing aids.

The project is reaching over 500 children across Gaza, and also offers classes on protection for teachers and parents, to support their children through these difficult times.

More information on the oPt Humanitarian Fund:

The oPt HF continues to raise funds to support partners via the public CrisisRelief campaign: 

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