“You feel that there are actually people who care about you”

Syria | 2021 | CBPF

Syria. “I was visiting my friends on the farm drinking tea. I felt cold, and I didn’t take it seriously. I thought I was suffering from the flu because the symptoms are the same,” explains Mohammed, a father of four.

It was his wife who suggested he get the swab test. Mohammed tested positive for Covid-19.

Mohammed went to the isolation centre operated by local NGO Violet Organization, with support from the Syria Humanitarian Fund. He stayed there for about 13 days before he could return to his home, with a negative test result testifying to his recovery.

At the isolation centre, Mohammed said. “The staff at the centre never failed to perform their duties, including meals and other things, even fruits were available. You feel there are actually people who care about you.”

After his experience, Mohammed wishes to increase awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic in the community.

‍More information on the Syria Humanitarian Fund:
OCHA – POOLED FUNDS DATA HUB – By Country (unocha.org) https://pfdata.unocha.org/