Ukraine | 2022 | CBPF
“We had to hide and wait to be able to proceed. That day a residential building was hit, and when we went out of the basement of the school many people realized that they no longer had a place to go. Some came with us the same day.”

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Yemen | 2022 | CBPF
“The younger children used to get frustrated and struggle in this environment. I tried to upgrade my teaching skills to provide better education and psychological support for my students, but I didn’t know where to start.”

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Ukraine | 2023 | CERF
“In Dnipro, I used to spend UAH 15 (roughly half a dollar) per day for a large bottle of water. You may not think it’s that much money. But if you take into account all the monthly expenses, it really is,” says Yulia.

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Ukraine | 2023 | CBPF
“I’m planning for today and maybe for tomorrow, but beyond that I don’t know. We have no plan. I just want to go back to my home and to return to our village as soon as possible when the situation allows us to travel there again.”

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Ukraine | 2022 | CBPF
“The biggest worries are that with more fighting, more elderly people will be left behind, isolated and in urgent need of food, water and health and mental health support.”

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Burkina Faso | 2022 | CBPF
“Before Help’s support, life was an ordeal for my children and I ­­– problems with food, water, and money. For example, to get drinking water, we had to go to the fountain 2 km away and pay 25 CFA francs per 20-litre can,” says Mrs. Dio.

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Honduras | 2022 | CERF
“We had four floods in one month, water as high as two and a half metres. It took us six weeks to clean up just to provide consultations, we had no working equipment or supplies.”

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Venezuela | 2023 | VHF
“Given the situation in the country, we have had to learn a new way to do our work and be present in the community, specifically around implementing humanitarian projects,” says Nhelsyr González, director of local organization Acción Campesina.

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Central African Republic | 2022 | CERF
In June 2022, CERF allocated $15 million for the response to the crisis in the Central African Republic. The funding aimed to scale up emergency assistance for 200,000 with a multi-sectoral approach combining food assistance and other sectors, including protection.

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Central African Republic | 2022 | CBPF
Because of persistent insecurity, one in five Central Africans is either internally displaced or a refugee in a neighbouring country. In October 2022, the number of newly registered displacements (29,300 people) was more than three times higher than the number of returnees (8,650).

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South Sudan | 2021 | CERF
“Our village was submerged with water but now it has been recovered. We thought as a community the water will not disappear, but IOM stood with us that’s why the water has been pumped back to where it came from.”

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Lebanon | 2022 | CBPF
“Education is the most important thing in the world. It’s true that I am not working in my field, but my education has helped me a lot in my life. I can do advanced calculations to manage my small business. I can handle all of my family’s paperwork.”

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Nigeria | 2022 | CBPF
“We went to sell oranges, and some of our friends went searching for scrap metal. They picked up something from the ground. The thing looked more like the usual scrap metal they sell in the market.”

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“I did not think that I would finish the curriculum, especially because I had a late start, but with great encouragement from the teachers, hope has returned to me,” said Ala .

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Ukraine | 2021 | CBPF
“We have nothing here, nothing. We have to go to Avdiivka to get bread, salt and even matches. There is no public transport here. Nothing at all. We used to have a bus that went to Donetsk five times a day. We did not have any troubles then,” says another passenger.

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South Sudan | 2021 | CBPF
“I used to have to walk for hours to get water for my family,” says Nyakwoth. “For me, the journey would take even longer because sometimes I would have to carry the baby. We would have to wait for hours, [for our turn]. Sometimes, we would end up fighting over the scarce water,” she adds.

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Jordan | 2021 | CBPF
“Saif convinced me that school is important, and I will return to complete school. I will prioritize my classes because education is like a sword that cuts off ignorance and abuse.”

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Lebanon | 2021 | CBPF
“I had forgotten what it feels like to be respected, and what it feels like to be a lady. You reminded me of who I used to be and who I am. You have given me the hope that I needed to keep going”.

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Sudan | 2021 | CBPF
“Harassment and rape often occur when we fetch water and firewood,” she explains. “Before this training, we did not know where to seek help.”

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Ukraine | 2021 | CBPF
“To protect from COVID-19, I had to spend a big portion of my pension on hygiene products. It is now a matter of life or death. That’s why sometimes I do not eat enough food or buy all medications I need. I simply cannot cover all of my needs.”

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Yemen | 2021 | CERF
“Since I was young, I’ve dreamt of becoming a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology because of the increasing number of deaths due to early marriage. When war erupted, and the conflict escalated, many families suffered, losing their jobs and becoming displaced. I moved with my family from another district near relatives in search of safety.”

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Bangladesh | 2021 | CERF
“I am so happy to see these arrangements for us. After the pandemic, we were scattered about, and we don’t have any income. I don’t even have a proper place to live at the moment, and the place where I am staying could go underwater any minute.”

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Ethiopia | 2021 | CBPF
“I was in the middle of teaching my class when we heard gunshots and explosions. I had to calm myself down and make sure all my students were safe.”

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